Digital Gaia “A place where nature and technology weave into one another…” Concepts About The DigitalGaia manifesto Timeline 1. Learning phase, organization and infrastructure setup 2. Project(s) inception 3. Project maturity Philosophy Imagery History Organization Infrastructure Security Infrastructure maintenance Infrastructure as code Voting on decisions About the number 5 Voting processes Organization General organization concepts Meetings Standard Operating Procedures Code review Documentation writing Types of documentation Meta-documentation / documentation about the collective Knowledge-tree Possible tools for documentation How to write good documentation How to write good git commits Release notes / changelog Legal / finance Possible (easy) ways to compensate people for their work Types of company structures in Spain Tools Tools Modern command-line tools du-like tools (disk usage) Task runners File sharing Password managers crypto and secrets Programming Build systems Editors Debugging Git Jujutsu Git workflows Diff tools Misc Sysadmin HTTP / Nginx System hardening Networking Misc About systems thinking Productivity / bad influence of news reading on focus About design / coding About testing Similar orgs Random thoughts about the concept organization communication symbolism