
Build systems

Build systems a la carte: theory and practice

waf, the meta build system

meson, the new kid on the block, clean and efficient

buck2, a large scale, fast, reliable, and extensible build tool


VSCodium, open-source binary of VSCode [HN]

Helix, a modern terminal editor (some thoughts on it)

Lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor

AstroNvim [HN] - AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins


What a good debugger can do [reddit]


Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using [reddit]


Git Tips 2: New Stuff in Git [HN]

Popular git config options [Reddit]

Sublime Merge

Git workflows

git-branchless: Branchless workflow for Git

git undo: feature from the above (HN thread)

apparently good tool to split/merge/rebase commits:

Diff tools

smart diff tool (can be used with git): Difftastic

A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output Delta

Side-by-side highlighted command line diffs: Icdiff [HN]


setting up dev envs per directory (a la virtualenv, asdf, etc.): Mise

cargo-watch, run commands when files change (also see: watchexec, bacon)

Note: cargo-watch has been deprecated in favor of bacon