About systems thinking

A Lifetime of Systems Thinking [HN]

VSM, Stafford Beer, cybernetics in general [wikipedia]

The WOPRS Organization Model [HN]

The skill of org design [HN]

Productivity / bad influence of news reading on focus

How I regained concentration and focus [HN]

I hate the news (Aaron Swartz)

Productivity Porn [HN]

About testing

Test Like You Fly - Intro (Reddit thread)

Don’t Mock What You Don’t Own [HN]

Random thoughts about the concept


check Dan’s article about independent parties vs. general partnership

Some “tech coops”, maybe good source of inspiration https://tech-coops.xyz/


integrate some remarks/comments about the apolitical nature of the project, we also don’t have a code of conduct because this is all about the technology (neutral). SJW can just fuck off! And yeah, we should be nice to each other, but that isn’t a thing from the project, it’s just good human behavior. We should operate according to Crocker’s rules

also check Kraken culture document


Technology is often being touted as antithetical to nature; inorganic vs organic, order vs chaos, hard vs soft, cold/dead vs alive…

We believe it doesn’t have to be so

Digital gaia: a technology and nature symbiosis project

Relation to solarpunk?